We learned the orphanage needs two vans to operate. Currently, they have 19 orphans, the house parents and their kids (which makes 16 more) so if everyone went to an event that would be transporting 35 people! The orphanage only had one car seat and they have at least seven children who needed car seats. Along with the van, Murray and Bountiful Clubs sent 7 car booster seats and 24 backpacks with school supplies inside the packs!
Getting the van to Mexico was a joint effort with the Missions for Jesus International (MFJI) Team in Prescott, AZ. Two team members drove up to SLC to take the van back to AZ. Then Jenny and Jessy from the orphanage drove to Prescott to pick up the van! What great team work of several organizations working together!!
We learned later the kids from the orphanage were thrilled to have their own car seats. A counselor at the orphanage said she thought the kids would be squirming and complaining but in actuality it was like they had their own space! Kids who live in group environments often feel like nothing is really theirs. Something as simple as their own car seat makes them feel like they are an individual! This small simple thing is HUGE in their development as individuals! In September, the children were able to load up in the van in their “Mariachi” outfits and go to a school event, which is similar to our 4th of July! Without the Murray and Bountiful Club’s support in the items they sent, the orphanage would not be able to afford their children to participate in these extra programs!

To learn more about the Kings Kid Orphanage, visit their website at www.kingskidsorphanage.com and see the children in action! Their everyday needs are so important and in these economic times of “leanness” they often suffer at the basic level!
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