Thursday, June 21, 2012

Interactors, Rotaractors, and Rotarians unite to 'MAKE A DIFFERENCE" in Puerto Penasco, Mexico

AT 3:30 AM June 9, 2012, the first group of Interactors were meeting in Brigham City to load up on the bus that would take them to Puerto Penasco, Mexico. They were the first of over 235 Interactors, Rotaractors, and Rotarians, amounting to 4 bus loads,  that would begin the journey to Mexico for a week long service project.  The week would culminate in the construction of 3 new homes for the impoverished residents of Puerto Penasco, and an incredible number of service projects in schools, orphanages, senior citizen centers, and others.  As can be imagined, 235 people in multicolored, shirts reflecting the team that they belonged to, attracted quite a bit of attention.  Among them was Joe Houchin, a reporter and writer.  He followed us around for a couple of day and wrote the following piece for the Sonoran Resorts, he also took the photos that are shown here.  Please go to this link and view the entire article, which goes into more details of the partnership with the Families helping Families foundation, that helps make this service project possible.

Joe Houchin
The group, ranging in age from 13 to 20, arrived on Sunday the 10th of June and on Monday went to the site that consisted only of stacks of block, bags of concrete, tools and three concrete foundations. Ralph and Jared had previously contracted to have the supplies and foundations ready for the group so they could begin immediately on the miraculous job of completing three 1,000 square foot homes, including the roofs, window and interior framing by the following Thursday— that’s four days!.
These photos begin on Tuesday morning, the second day and already the block laying is nearly to the top. It was an amazing sight: the teams distinguished by brightly colored T-shirts of yellow, red, blue and green sprouting like desert flora from every angle of the block structures inside and out, all diligently devoted to their assigned jobs and working non-stop throughout the long hot day, proving their commitment to the Rotary slogan, “Service Above Self”. The slogan they wore proudly on Friday morning, group photo day. The American and Mexican Flags flew proudly each day in front of the project.

What you need to know about this very special group of young people is that their commitment to the project went far beyond the time and hard work of building three homes in those four days down here in Rocky Point.  Each of the kids started much earlier raising their own money, nearly $1,000 each to pay for not only the trip down, food and lodging, but also the cost of each house they built. They sold oranges, mowed lawns, held garage sales and performed many other creative jobs to raise the money and participate in this project.  That is true commitment, dedication and action toward fellow human beings in need. It is also an inspiring attribute that says a lot for our younger generation.
DSC_0151 Ask anyone of them why they were here, and the answer most cited would be simply, “To make a difference.”

Nor were their efforts confined to building the three homes in a seemingly impossible four day span.  One group each day accompanied the Rotary Literacy Project committee, lead by Tere Moore and served six morning and afternoon class sessions in three different buildings providing supplies and cultural exchange programs for the schools.  The group distributed $5,000 in school supplies as well as 600 pairs of shoes.
DSC_0033A group of past, present and future Utah Rotary officers and leaders, met with a group of interested local residents and conducted progressive discussions on forming an active Rotary organization in Puerto Peñasco with the help and guidance of the Utah Rotarians.

It was an amazing week, lives were changed in Mexico and in the participants that sacrificed, sweated, and gave Service above Self to make a better world.

Final photo showing two of the houses that were built, and all of the participants

To learn more about this awesome service project and view hundreds of photos and comments about the project, go to the District Interact Facebook page at:

Michael Wells
District 5420 youth services chair

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