There were 44 Rotarians, family and friends that participated in this year’s Mexico Service Project, April 21-28. We had Rotarians from Murray, Bountiful and Sugarhouse Clubs volunteer their time. The Playa Club sent a translator and Doctor to help us with our project.
Eye exam with Sugarhouse Rotarian Dr. Wright and Playa doctor |
The motto of Murray Rotary Club is "fun with a purpose" and we did just that: had lots of fun in Mexico. Jim Charnholm, Murray Rotary Club, put countless hours in making this project a success, we couldn't have done it without him. Monies for this project were donated from the Bountiful Rotary Club and Murray Rotary Club. Here is a summary as to what has already been accomplished in the village (pueblo) of "Vida y Esperanza" (which means Life and Hope) and what we did there.
Here is a link if you want to see where "Vida y Esperanza" is located:
Newly stuccoed old school |
New school |
The school that the Murray Rotary helped build in 2010, has now been stuccoed and painted inside and out. A new solar system is complete which furnishes power to the school for lights, computers and flushing toilets. Many truckloads of fill material have been put on the playground area. We purchased basketballs, volleyballs, soccer balls and footballs. A new volleyball net, ball bags and ball pumps have been purchased as well as a new basketball ring for the existing pole. Volleyball poles have been installed. A new metal roof on the school will be installed soon. The government has built a second school.
New solar system |
DIF mobile medical/dental van |
Dr Baird, Bountiful Club |
Jim Charnholm and Ron Jensen giving reading glasses |
Two doctors, Jeff Barton, from Murray Rotary Club and Larry Wright from the Sugarhouse Rotary Club and two dentists, Anthony Baird, from the Bountiful Rotary Club and DG Elect, Jerry Summerhays, from the Murray Rotary Club provided medical and dental check ups at the school for the students, teachers and villagers. Over 40 impacted teeth were pulled by the dentists!! Prior to our trip, we purchased and had been given medical and dental supplies that we used for the service project. The remainder of the supplies were left for the mobile medical/dental clinic. Nancy Pickett, RN from Murray Rotary Club and Jerry Summerhays taught hygiene for the students. We had two boy scouts with us that contributed to the school through their Eagle Scout Project. Riley Bain put hygiene kits together that he distributed to the students after the hygiene class. And Kennedy Christenson distributed backpacks filled with school supplies. It was very moving to see and experience this with the Scouts.
Hygiene training, Nancy Pickett
and Jerry Summerhays |
We left hygiene posters that we had laminated for the classrooms. Bud Christenson, a Murray Rotarian donated reading glasses which Jim Charnholm determined the needs and gave approximately forty pairs of reading glasses! We also gave many books, dictionaries (donated by the Latino Hispanic Club) and musical recorders to the students.
Riley Bain giving hygiene kits |
While at the school, members from all the Clubs and families also did face painting, nail polishing, gift giving, played sports with the children, gave pictures that were developed on site, gave stickers and interacted with the children.
School program |
Lunch |
The children did a special program for us before lunch. The villagers provided a delicious meal. There were also grilled hamburgers! I think all the children chose hamburgers and chips!!
A very successful and fun Rotary Service Project in Mexico! Thank you my fellow Rotarians from Murray, Bountiful and Sugarhouse Rotary Clubs!
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