Rotary helped Tenia and other
Rotary exchange students understand we can live in peace when we begin to
appreciate other cultures. Her short
term exchange helped build relationships.
She was not just a tourist visiting the country . . . she was part of a
family including Gulsha, her Turkish sister who later traveled back to Utah on
her own short term exchange. Tenia expressed how exciting it was to introduce
her exchange friend to Utah’s culture.
She introduced Gulsha to camping – and to S’Mores - for the
first time. It was 6 weeks of peace and
understanding and many new experiences for both girls.
Chartise Dansie experienced a
different type of short term exchange.
She attended a “Rotary Camp” in Munich, Germany where their district
youth meet students from around the world for three weeks together. Each student who attends is placed in a
Rotarian home where they learn about the German culture, up close and
personal. Germany is especially diligent
in portraying a positive image since they have to deal with many prejudices as
a result of their past history. Rotary
helps them break down the barriers.
Chartise and 15 other students from around the world took part in organized
tours and activities demonstrating their lifestyle and culture. The experience helped open her eyes about
Germany, as well as other countries. The
“Rotary Camp” was sponsored by the generous districts in Germany so the Cedar
City teenagers only cost for this amazing experience was for airfare and some
spending money. Instead of a graduation
trip with her friends, she chose to go to Germany and experience the world and develop
her independence.
Short term exchanges offer many
opportunities to students they would have otherwise thought impossible and
through which they learn about culture, friendship, acceptance, peace and catch
a glimpse of the purpose and impact of Rotary, Interact, RYLA and Rotaract.
Applications for short term
exchanges in the summer of 2013 are now being accepted. For more information, contact Shelly Dansie
at shelly@decorworx.com in Southern
Utah or Terri Sawyer at terrinicole@msn.com in Northern Utah. Applications and more details can be found at www.utahrotaryye.com or on the district blog.